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QuokkaCoin (QKC) Logo

What is QuokkaCoin?

QuokkaCoin is a digital currency created on the TON (Telegram Open Network) platform, a fast and efficient blockchain that offers secure and affordable transactions. QuokkaCoin is inspired by quokkas, small Australian marsupials known for their smiling pictures on social media, and aims to bring joy and happiness to its users.

Characteristics and Benefits

Decentralized and Secure

QuokkaCoin is built on a decentralized blockchain, which means that it is not controlled by any single entity or government. This ensures that transactions are secure, transparent, and tamper-proof.

Fast and Affordable Transactions

QuokkaCoin uses the TON platform, which offers fast and affordable transactions. This makes it ideal for everyday use, such as buying goods and services online.

Limited Supply

The total supply of QuokkaCoin is limited, which means that the value of each coin is protected from inflation.

Burn Campaigns

The total supply of QuokkaCoin is 1,000,000,000 QKC although, we plan to burn 100,000,000 QKC over the time to increase its value. These QKC are stored in a specific address destined for Burn Campaigns and can be checked here.


QuokkaCoin is a community-driven project, which means that its development and growth are driven by its users ideas & needs. This ensures that the project is transparent, fair, and beneficial to all stakeholders.

How it Works


TON wallets are available for desktop and mobile devices, allowing users to store, send, and receive QuokkaCoins easily and securely on TON network.


QuokkaCoin transactions are fast and affordable, with an average transaction time of just a few seconds respecting TON transactions speed.

Blockchain Explorer

The TON blockchain explorer allows users to view transactions, blocks, and other network activity in real-time.

By combining the benefits of blockchain technology with the joy and happiness of quokkas, QuokkaCoin aims to create a unique and engaging experience for its users.

Last updated